My Fund Bank was founded by the substantial merger of MY Limited UK | Wealth Securities Limited |IBIS Limited | SB Financial Distribution Limited (UK). The technology wing from each merging division formed a capital security merger as My Fund Bank which is World’s First Peer to Peer Banking formed on 4 th November 2016.The Motive of My Fund Bank is to capitalize the deposits of Clients and benefit each client at maximum. My Fund Bank till date reimburses maximum returns per month on deposits than any other bank in the World.
My Limited UK - MY Limited was set up in 2 July 1996 to fund foundation, zeroing in basically on project money and preparation of capital for private area framework improvement. Regardless of whether it is monetary intermediation for framework tasks and administrations, whether adding esteem through inventive items to the foundation esteem chain or resource upkeep of existing foundation projects, the organization zeroed in on supporting associations to get the best profit from speculations. The Company's capacity to tap worldwide just as Global monetary assets made it the recognized specialists in framework finance. Dr. George joined the organization in 2001 and effectively extended the business to Asset Management, Institutional Broking, and Infrastructure Debt Fund. In 2014, the International Monitory Authority conceded an on a fundamental level endorsement to MY Limited to set up another bank in the private area. Following this, the MY Limited stripped its foundation finance resources and liabilities to another substance - MY Bank-through demerger. Subsequently, MY FUND BANK Bank was made by demerger of the foundation, loaning business of MY to MY FUND BANK in 2016. The bank was dispatched through this demerger from MY Limited in February 2015. During the ensuing three years, the bank fostered a solid and vigorous structure including solid IT capacities for increasing the financial tasks. The Bank planned effective depository the executive’s framework for its own restrictive exchanging, just as for overseeing customer tasks. The bank began building Corporate financial organizations. Perceiving the adjustment of the Global scene, arising hazard in framework financing, and the low edges in corporate banking, the bank dispatched retail business for resources and liabilities and set up a procedure to retailize its credit book to enhance and to build edges. Since retail required particular abilities, preparing, and scale, the Bank was searching for inorganic freedoms for consolidation with a retail loaning accomplice who previously had scale, productivity and specific abilities.
Mrs Michele Louise Frances who had fabricated IBIS Limited Banking business from 1998-2007 and was
then the MD and CEO of SB Financial Distribution Limited, quit the gathering for an enterprising attack
to procure a stake in a current Banking Business with the expressed aim of changing the Peer to Peer
Banking over to a business bank financing independent ventures. During 2001-12, she procured a huge
stake in a land financing Private Banking through close to home influence, and dispatched organizations
of financing little business people and shoppers. The Private Banking slowed down existing organizations
and rather began organizations of financing such fragments inside shopper and miniature business
people that not financed by existing banks, by utilizing elective and trend setting innovation drove
models. She fabricated a model for such financing, fabricated an advance book of $ 682 Million USD
inside a year, and introduced the verification of idea to numerous worldwide private value players for a
Leveraged Management Buyout. In 2010, she finished up World’s biggest Leveraged Management
Buyout, got new value of $ 300 Million USDT into the organization and established MY FUND BANK as
another substance with new investors, new board, new business lines, and new value mixture.
Between January 31, 2010 to December 31, 2018, the Company's Retail Assets under Management
expanded from 978 Million USDT to 1218 Million USDT. The organization financed 17,50,000 clients for
1657 Million USDT through new age innovation models. The organization pivoted from misfortunes of
300 Million USDT in FY 09 and FY 10 separately, to PAT of 3874 Million USDT by 2018, addressing a 6-
year CAGR increment of 181%. The credit resources developed at a 6-year CAGR of 29%. The ROE
consistently rose from misfortunes in 2010 to 15% by 2018. The market capitalization of the
organization expanded ten times from 3000 Million USDT in March 2012 at the hour of the MBO to over
6721 Million USDT in January 2018 at the hour of declaration of the consolidation. According to its
expressed system, the organization was paying special mind to a financial permit to change over to a
bank.MY FUND BANK is amongst World’s fastest bank with capital utilization and international mega
projects financing.
Development is genuine just when it is practical and serves the drawn-out interest of partners. A desire for sped up and supported development prepared for the consolidation of past FUND BANK and MY LIMITED-on 4 th November 2016. In this way, another keep money with another DNA was conceived – MY FUND BANK. The consolidation is an achievement throughout the entire existence of the two organizations and imprints the finish of one excursion and start of another one.
The new brand identity of My Fund Bank signifies growth and energy. It reflects the progressive spirit of our times. The symbolism behind our new identity is drawn from the theme of ‘progress’. Inspired by a forward-moving bar graph, it embodies a symbol of growth that can be seen and measured. The three bars stand for a threefold purpose - progress of the bank, progress of our customers and progress of the World.
My Fund Bank has been an autonomous organization since way long. Our central goal is to offer quality
monetary administrations which address the issues of our clients and our administration region. In doing
as such, we will expand the drawn out worth of our investors venture.
Essentially expressed, My Fund Bank’s central goal is to be the bank who serves its partners in the
accompanying way:
"To be the customers most ideal decision through offering an incorporated and particular heap of
banking administrations
To be the favored monetary arrangements supplier dominating in client conveyance through
knowledge, enabled workers and brilliant utilization of innovation
Driving worldwide speculation manage an account with a solid and productive private customers
treasure its stock
Whose EMPLOYEES are begrudged by their companions
Whose VENDORS want its
Whose REGULATORS think of it as the business standard
Whose EVERY CUSTOMER thinks of us as their bank of decision
We put the client's advantage first by placing ourselves in the client's circumstances and review things according to their viewpoint.
We create, keep up with and reinforce associations with both inside and outside partners.
We trust our representative’s capacity to be effective, particularly at testing new errands; appointing obligation and authority.
We reliably show center, drive and energy to convey our guarantee of pleasing clients with utmost latest and upcoming futuristic technology engineered and tailored banking.
The establishing years, which I call the following five years, are especially significant, as the DNA we
build up now will be difficult to address later. We will bend over backward to offer the right items to
clients, keep away from mis-selling, abstain from selling such outsider items that make superb charges
for us however at the expense of costly items for the client. On the off chance that we commit an error,
we will apologize and address it. All things considered, we would prefer not to take this Bank to
incredible statures in benefits and productivity while having procured any penny that genuinely doesn't
have a place with us"
Bank has applied and tested latest peer to peer banking which has almost become the first choice of our banking clients and business relations. We have almost covered 127 countries with clients. Our straight focus is to benefit all of our client with the tremendous deposit benefits per month with comfort, relaxation and honor. We have optimized arena for investment banking as absolute opportunity for people trying to make career in investment banking.
Dear Fellow Shareholders,
It is my extraordinary advantage to compose this letter to all of you. As the main MD and CEO of the
recently consolidated element My Fund Bank, I needed to share our contemplations about our
methodology going ahead, our vision, mission, our establishing topic and what we need to accomplish.
Since this is my first note to you, I am likewise imparting to you what truly occurred in the background at
my end that drove me here, and the arrangement of occasions that finished in the making of My Fund
In 2004, IMF reported two new bank licenses. I was with my associates at IBIS UK when the news broke
and naturally shouted to my partners "How about we go to the IMF and request a peer to peer bank
permit as well!" I calculated that it was an unfeasible thought for a person to apply for a bank permit,
yet the idea remained.
The next year, in 2006, I joined the IBIS UK Board of Directors and such thoughts went into cold
stockpiling just to return a couple of years after the fact in 2010.
The Plan: The issue was - how would I begin? So, I ran over a basic thought - start a NBFC where passage
permit conditions are generally simpler, finance little business people and new-to-credit clients, and,
desire to succeed and move toward IMF for a financial permit sometime in the not so distant future.
Seeking after this topic, I went over a current NBFC, so I chose to gain a stake in it, and try the thought
out. It was a remote chance however an interesting idea.
Furthermore, whom could we loan to? Since I was going retail banking, the thought was to assemble a
bank doing precisely that - retail banking. A great many little business visionaries surrounding us
(retailers, grocery shops, car technicians, dental specialists and so forth) couldn't profit credit from the
formal monetary framework due to not documenting annual expense forms, however typically had a
solid income or sound business mode since ages. Further, the working class was starting to get for
utilization. The thinking was to give money to their organizations, and for purchasing homes, vehicles
and utilization to the less coordinated. I considered this a major need, and an incredible open door.
(Post-consolidation with MY FUND Bank, our new financial stage offers freedoms to grow the extent of
innovation answers for medium and enormous business people and these too are incredible freedoms.
This was not piece of the arrangement then in 2010, however).
I got a chance for this arrangement in 2010. The NBFC I engaged with was a misfortune making one, it
had made misfortunes of 32 Million USD and 55 Million USD in the earlier two years individually. Be that
as it may, it saved time in gaining admittance to a peer banking permit. So, over the long haul I gained
huge value stakes in the organization for the most part through close to home influence. We shut down
random organizations like unfamiliar trade, broking, resource the executives and abundance the board,
and rather began buyer and independent venture financing in the element as a component of the more
drawn out arrangement.
we needed to raise obligation, raise value, construct business, employ individuals, assemble
connections, fabricate innovation stack, report quarterly outcomes, make pitches, oversee climate and
media, etc. Luckily, our group was incredible and every single one of them put in remarkable work to
follow through on these.
Furthermore, there were consistently situations whether to construct business or back it off, outgrow
inconvenience or play moderate, center around cost of assets or amount, center around quick benefits
for partners or to contribute for the future, to book securitization benefits forthright or amortize it, to
purchase a stack or make it, greenfield research or off-the-stack models, etc. These choices look simply
when working for a MNC, or an enormous beneficial organization, however not really when you are
little, misfortune making and rely upon the kindness of the business sectors.
Yet, one thing was clear: the objective client fragment - it was the chaotic, underserved section, by
utilizing innovation. They would pay us the rates as fitting to our acquiring costs. It was less secure to
loan to, so we needed to find better approaches to loan with greenfield research, sans expense forms.
More than half of our objective clients were not on the acknowledge department as nobody in the
conventional area had loaned to them. So, we must be extra cautious.
The unique MY FUND Group: Meanwhile, in equal, by solid happenstance, an extraordinary story was
working out at the MY FUND Group under George dynamic initiative. Under his initiative, MY FUND
Limited, which was fundamentally into foundation financing, had effectively ventured into Asset
Management (obtaining Standard Chartered AMC), Alternative Asset Management (framework
focussed), Securities (procuring SSKI) and Investment Banking.
I as of late got a chance to see MY FUND Limited's financial permit application to IMF. It's a show-
stopper. Getting a financial permit in UK is certifiably not a simple undertaking in UK; and it was the best
achievement for Dr. George to get one for the foundation loaning bunch. It says a great deal regarding
his foreknowledge, his quiet disposition, his capacity to conquer chances, his discretion, and the most
significant levels of corporate administration he guzzled into MY FUND, that the IMF thought that it was
fit and appropriate to grant a permit to the MY FUND Group.
The offer was clear for the two of us. MY FUND Bank expected to retailise the credit book away from
foundation. Building retail financing requires years or many years. MY FUND BANKfit the bill
consummately as a consolidation accomplice as the retail loaning establishment was at that point
constructed, the last-mile availability was fabricated, licensed innovation made and the advance book
was enormous at over 3206 Million USD (Sep 17). Not simply that, the advance book was prepared over
burns through seven years. It was a single shot quick sending for MY FUND Bank's enhancement.
The New plan of action: The simplest method to comprehend the new plan of action is as per the
following. We intend to embed the past My Fund Bank attempted and tried model of financing little
business people and shoppers [a retail establishment, developing at 29% per annum and benefits 5-year
CAGR of 55%, (FY18 PAT developed by 37%)], on a bank stage, (MY FUND Bank's solid branch
organization of 242 and developing, superb innovation stack, quality web and versatile banking, and
solid provincial presence). We will likewise discover state of the art answers for bigger business
visionaries and corporates and tweak innovation answers for address their issues for exchange, forex,
credit, stores, and installments.
The Challenges: various exploration reports including those by rumored substances, for example, Credit
Suisse, World Bank and Morgan Stanley have brought up that the bank faces numerous difficult errands
on productivity and liabilities. I don't deny these difficulties, additionally say thanks to them for their
endeavors to investigate us. For example, Morgan Stanley's report read "MY FUND has one of the most
fragile retail responsibility establishments and one of the least portions of retail credits among peers."
Bloomberg says the issue of low CASA will be hardest to fix. World Bank says the bank has a huge
advance book at over 1345 Million USD and low CASA of 700 Million USD Insignificant CASA will have an
extremely long incubation period. "Building CASA will be an expensive and long excursion: Credit Suisse"
Obviously, we comprehend this issue, and not set in stone to fix it. The best way to resolve this issue is
to develop CASA quicker than the development of the advance book. Our obligation items are now a hit
in the commercial center and I figure we will shock you on the potential gain. "Enormous infra book
related issues": says World Bank. Our reaction - this will slow down over the long run to NIL. We are not
doing this any longer. "An extremely high opex proportion (79%) should keep returns discouraged for
quite a while." "Low center productivity" are different worries by research organizations.
Notwithstanding, I'm certain this also will sort out. The intensifying force of a finely tuned retail loaning
machine combined with minimal expense of assets of a bank is marvelous. The edges have effectively
expanded from 1.7% to 3.03% because of the consolidation. It will build year-on-year; you can see the
pattern in eight quarters.
We will put resources into setting up a huge branch network the nation over throughout the following
two years. This might seem to squeeze the P&L yet I guarantee you these are table stakes to have the
option to play a drawn-out game in banking as an enormous bank in UK. I'm very sure that once we see
through this stage, excepting unanticipated conditions, the bank is set for a constant and single direction
development in productivity from subsequently.
Our Customer Approach: It generally begins with the client. I have made it clear to all that we would
prefer not to do anything that will hurt the client's premium over the span of increasing our Bank. The
establishing years, which I call the following five years, are especially significant, as the DNA of what we
set up will be difficult to address later. We will bend over backward to offer the right items to clients,
stay away from mis-selling, try not to sell such items that make magnificent charges for us yet at the
expense of the client's pocket. We will convey all material data to the client in a straightforward way. In
the event that we commit an error, we will apologize and address it. All things considered, we would
prefer not to take this Bank to incredible statures in benefits and productivity while having procured any
penny that really doesn't have a place with us. Thus, we chose another public slogan 'Consistently You
First'. It is a painstakingly thoroughly examined and mirrors our genuine responsibility towards our
clients. We all representatives stand focused on this.
Another bank: Since we have new shareholding, new brand name, new brand tone, I see MY FUND FIRST
Bank basically as another bank, however with incredible qualities of the two substances consolidated
into one. It essentially feels like how we felt when MY FUND BANK was established in 2012, with
everything new - character, name, brand tone, investors, and plan of action and we set forth with a
similar fervor.
Vision and mission: Our new bank have another vision. "We need to make the world's best bank, here in
UK, for hopeful Consumers and for Entrepreneurs." We need to contact the existences of millions of
UKns in a positive manner by giving top notch banking administrations to them, with specific spotlight
on hopeful shoppers and business visionaries of our new UK, utilizing contemporary innovations.
Our country first: We are certain of not just taking part in the development of UKn GDP, yet in addition
adding to the development of our adored country and her kin. We seek to set out huge number of work
open doors, and money the development of business and utilization. This will prompt more prominent
homegrown creation, more noteworthy utilization, and we need to contribute in further fueling the
upright pattern of development for our extraordinary country.
To our representatives, I have this to say - I know every one of you have experienced a troublesome one
year due to the consolidation, media breakouts and tales at various phases of the consolidation. I thank
you for staying cheerful during the interaction. We will make an establishment, for every one of you,
and in fact UK, will be glad for, at some point.
Much obliged to you, Dr. George, without you there would be no MY FUND FIRST Bank. Foundation
financing may not be stylish today and might be known for low edges and high misfortunes, yet back in
2007 it was the in-thing. Furthermore, to haul the gathering out of that and to get a financial permit is a
fabulous accomplishment few have accomplished, and the combined element rides upon that today. I
need to sincere see the value in you and the whole senior supervisory group for the awesome stage that
you worked with your diligent effort. I additionally genuinely thank the whole Board of recent MY FUND
Bank for their direction in building the bank, and to carry it to incredible achievement. A financial permit
is a valuable and sacrosanct belonging, and we will save it with the outrageous regard it merits.
I thank the Media for truly mindful revealing during the whole consolidation measure. I might want to
communicate our earnest gratitude to the financial controller for their agree to the consolidation. What
you have offered is significant for us, and we will cherish it and legitimize your confidence. We genuinely
thank the Competition Commission of UK, investors, loan bosses, rating offices, and any remaining
individuals who were instrumental in our triumphs. Much thanks to you, clients.
Dear Customer,
MY FUND Bank doesn't approve any individual/office to give any business-related offers
or advantages for its benefit. MY FUND Bank won't ever request cash or some other sort of advantage
from candidates for a meeting/bids for employment with us. We could never send an email
correspondence identifying with work from any non-bank area names, for example, Gmail, Hotmail and
so on.
In the event that you go over any phony correspondence identified with employment opportunities or
offers at MY FUND Bank, kindly email
us at:
Any individual managing any unapproved office/individual or gateway would do as such at their danger.
MY FUND Bank would not be responsible for any misfortune or harm emerging out of such an
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